Sunday, April 12, 2009

almost halfway

it was a rainy day, which means a rainy mood. i was listening to older coldplay most of the entire day. i just came back from dancing though, which was fun. passover began on wendesday. this is my favorite holiday, but this year i couldn't adhere to all of the rules, its a bit hard as a college student. but traditions like these, i not only get to bond with my family, but i learn more about myself and how i should stop taking a lot of things for granted.

i took pictures of my sister printmaking the other day. i might use them for a photo essay for my imaging class, but i still want to travel around brooklyn and take more pictures before anything is final. my sister went to the same highschool that i graduated from to years ago. its a wonderful school, it is one of the reasons why i am at pratt. im so happy and nostalgic of my sister going through the same process, she is really enjoying it and is very talented. her 16th birthday was today.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Hi I started a blog.

I felt like starting a blog today. I thought it would be a good way to procrastinate with design procedures homework. We're doing this recycled paper swatch book project that has been going on since the beginning of the semester. Well, here you go. Enjoy.